
Monday, January 12, 2009

Anatomy Studies

A student had left a book called "On the Fabric of the Human Body, 1543" by the Renaissance anatomist, Andrea Versailles in my classroon. It kicked around for sometime before I paid attention to it. Once I did, I was really intriqued! What struck me was not only the accuracy and scientific discovery of his studies, but the range of emotion presented in the drawings. I created a series of drawings and paintings using this book as inspiration. I used my full model skeleton ("Zippy") as a model. I did quite a few charcoal and acrylic sketches, before coming up with the composition and style of this painting.

1 comment:

Girlz Rock said...

Hi shaunie!!!! it's me sophi your awesome niece, this sketch (painting?) is cool you should paint more stuff like that yeah and then send them to me!!! BYE BYE